Here's a total of fifteen that represent some of the best. This list has been expanded on to provide a few more options for the latest Skyrim modders looking for that perfect domicile to put their feet up after a long day of "Fus Ro Dah'ing" foes off the cliffside. These mods allow players to live like virtual Kings and Queens in a variety of abodes both humble and grandiose.

RELATED: Skyrim: Steam Workshop Mods To Keep You Playing This included a wealth of housing mods that went far beyond and above what the standard vanilla experience had to offer. When Bethesda released Skyrim Special Edition, it breathed new life into the game for the modding community to take advantage of. When the game was released in November of 2011, players were blown away by the vast world, breathtaking landscapes, and engaging questlines. The community releases new mods almost every day, but here are eight of the best mods for Mass Effect: Legendary Edition that you can download and install right now.The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is undoubtedly one of the best RPG titles of all time. This is all together in one cohesive, albeit hefty 80-120 GB package (depending on your system of choice).Īlthough the Legendary Edition hasn't been out for too long, NexusMods supports and offers several mods that can greatly impact your playthrough. Judging from both critical and fan reactions, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition offers the best way to play the original trilogy by boasting updated textures and higher resolution, as well as increased frame rate on up-to-date systems and the option to play as female Shepard in the older titles. RELATED: 10 Things We Wish We Knew Before Starting Mass Effect Legendary Edition Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is finally here, and the modding community has already come together to deliver some more graphical fixes, shortcuts, and cheats that are all available to download right now.